Friday night was a success. We watched X-Men 3 (which has a lot more cussing and some sexual instances in it) and lounged and ate popcorn and drank soda. I was able to get in an hour trainer ride before the premier so I was happy about that.
Saturday I had a 7 miler planned but after the baby waking up at 5am, it being 40 degrees and misty outside, and the fact that I refuse to get on the treadmill for THAT long, I decided to run in the afternoon. Well....based on what we did on Saturday (including pizza), that was a bust.'s going to happen on Sunday. After the baby waking up again in the 4am and out of sleep....and grocery shopping....then a trip to the Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo....and then a heavy mexican food dinner.....Sunday was right out too.
Tonight is a 3 miler (which I will probably do at lunch) and then may do another 3 at night (it's 75 degrees today!).
The FWSSR was great. Cows, Pigs, Rodeo, Tractors, Exhibits, and family-time. Reese loved the excitement of the rodeo but fell asleep. Jilian loves the rodeo too. Luckily, I've been exposed to rodeo and can answer the basic questions for her....rules, timings, etc.
I so have our challenge won!