Monday, September 23, 2013

EnduroPacks - First Impressions

As some of you know, I was selected to be a one month trial participant for EnduroPacks, which is a start up nutrition company for endurance athletes, focused on recovery.  That's a challenge for a lot of us, especially me, so when I saw they were asking for Brand Ambassadors, I jumped at the chance.  They are still accepting applications, so if any of my followers....or followers of my followers want to apply, you can go to their website and check them out and apply.


When I arrived home on Friday, there was a nice little treat waiting for Enduropacks shipment.  I opened it immediately waiting to see the goodness that a little white box held for me.  This was perfect timing as I had my longest run since IMTX on the books for Saturday.  The box was packed perfectly and the only glass bottle in there was the liquidmulti but it was wrapped in bubble wrap securely.  The first thing I did was, obviously, pop all of the bubbles.  That's a hard and fast rule.....if there is bubble wrap, it must be popped.

Inside the box was a nice, soft cotton T-shirt, Liquidmulti, electrolyte spray, amino patch, glutamine caps, and an instruction card. bubble wrap

As I was excited to get started, I put on the t-shirt and ran around the house for about 30 seconds, under the watchful eye of a 7 year old and a cat.  Both were confused, but I didn't care.

I put all of the items on my vanity and waited, somewhat impatiently, for 4:30am so I could get started.

Fast forward to go time.

First thing that I took was the Liquidmulti.  The taste wasn't horrible, but it wasn't the best either.  It does have a chalky taste to it, reminiscent of the Flintstone chewable vitamins that we all took as kids.  The instruction card said to take with food, but the only thing I eat, pre-run, is a Gu.  I was worried that I would "taste it" via burps once the Liquidmulti made it's way down, but I did not experience any negative side effects from it.

I got my water bottle and pumped 5 "shots" of the electrolyte spray and set off.  Around mile 2, I took my first drink and was surprised, for two reasons.  One....I didn't think that there would be a taste to the spray and Two....that it wasn't bad at all.  It has a citrusy flavor to it, similar to Nuun or Gu Brew.  It's not overpowering and it's pleasant.

After the run, I was instructed to put an amino patch on.  This is were I had an issue....the instruction card does not specify where to put it.  As it's a transdermal patch, I figured anywhere was as good as any so I put it on my stomach, close to my belly button.  Then, I went on the website and it recommended that it be placed on the inner-arm or the wrist.  Well, poop.  So I took it off and placed it on my wrist.  This was the first lesson in "what not to do".  Once the patch is on, it doesn't want to go back on anywhere else.  I placed it on my wrist, but within a few minutes it was starting to peel off.  I got another patch and stuck it on my wrist and it stayed there for a good 8 hours.  We went to a festival around 4pm and I took it off because it was starting to fold/crease a bit.  It was still on, but I figured 8 hours was good enough.

Patch size
Placement of Patch....

That night, I took the Glutamine caps about an hour and a half before bed, while I was finishing up the late football games.  I was worried, again, about the "tasting" of the caps so I took it early and if I was feeling it, then I'd be able to drink some milk and/or have a light snack.  The caps are just a little bigger than an Advil Gelcap and very easy to swallow.  I took both at the same time with a small glass of water.  I didn't feel any side effects from it.

The next morning....I woke up...and felt I could have gone for another long run.  I had scheduled off on Sunday (and I'm a rule/plan follower) so I only took the Liquidmulti and I took the Glutamine caps at night. 

My first overall impression is a good one.  I'd give it a solid "B".  I would have given it an "A-" for first impressions had the instruction card been a little more clear on the patch placement.  After a week (next Monday), I'll give another review on how the first week with the product went and share my thoughts on that.

I'm super excited to get further into the trial and see this through an entire month (and hopefully more) while I wind down the 13.1 training and ramp up to 26.2 this winter.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Weekend Stuff

Happy Friday Y'all.....

This weekend is supposed to be a busy one, but due to the weather today, it may not be at all.

Tonight is J's volleyball practice and tomorrow she has a game in the mid-afternoon.  After her game, we're supposed to go to the Plano Balloon Festival.  It's an awesome event with a balloon launch, balloon glows, fire works, things for the kids, over-priced sno-cones and festival food, etc.'s held in a park and it's all grass and one HUGE hill that everyone sits on.'s been raining since about 7:30pm last night.  It's projected to continue raining for most of the day and into early evening.  Rain + grass/hill + 10,000 people = MUD.  So....we may miss that.

I have a 8 mile run to get in at the crack of dawn.  I'm super pumped because the reason we have this rain is a "cold front" pushed down.  It's supposed to be in the low-60s.  Our lows have been in the upper-70's and this will almost feel chilly.

On Sunday, I'm going to do a 5 miler (recovery at 80%) to get the legs used to the mileage.

The run tomorrow will gauge if I'll be able to sniff a sub-2 in the Showdown Half ( or if it's just going to be part of the master plan of a marathon.

My going doing Redman Full (140.6) on Saturday.  Follow him on FaceBook (Daily Trainings) for live updates done by his wife.  His blog is

I should be receiving my EnduroPacks supply soon ( and will post my initial thoughts on it as soon as I get it.  I cannot wait. 

I visited the Cooper Clinic on Wednesday for my annual physical.  They do a great job checking every crease and crevice (and I mean EVERY crease and crevice).  According to my doc I need to drop about 10-15lbs (duh) and do some additional strength exercises.  She's a former marathon Top AG'er and overall she's not just spouting off crap.  She said it's more for performance than it is actually for "health" (although being healthier is a side effect of that).

OK....calling all readers.  I need more followers.  Give me a shout-out, tell people to follow me, whatever.  I follow a ton of bloggers and some follow me back, but I want followers.  I am a people person.  I have people skills, dammit.......

I will be looking at/doing a give-away for followers in the near future.  I'm in the works now with some companies for discounts and products related to running and tri's.

Y'all come through for a brotha!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Running Randomness

Out for my solitary 4 miler this morning (which sucked butt, btw...more on that later).  When I'm about a mile and a half in, I see something in the grass.  Normally it's a rabbit and will scurry off.  And sometimes they'll run in the direction I'm running....then dart across the sidewalk....then back....then sprint ahead.  I'm all like "I'm not chasin' you lil' bunny fo-fo....just stop" but they don't seem to listen. the grass.  I see something that appears to be crouched down.  I could tell it wasn't a rabbit and first thought was a bobcat kitten/cub as it was small.  Shortly there after, I got a little nervous as a kitten will have a momma near.  Now....being from the country, I know that if I'm not a little animal/rodent or a chicken....I'm fine.  But still, coming upon a bobcat isn't the most fun thing on a jog.  I did have a quick thought of "well....this can be my interval training".  As I get within 10 yards, it starts across the sidewalk and I hear *click-click-click....* and I realize that I'm coming upon an armadillo.  They're docile and more scared of you....and they are the worlds worst animal at getting across the street.  So....the armadillo realizes that I'm coming up and quickly heads back the other way.

That interaction and the thought of the senseless murders of armadillos every year on Texas streets by out of control cars and truck.....brought me back to a FB post I saw not too long ago.
The Balloon says "Get Well Soon"

Then....with the armadillo being the State Animal of Texas (actually the Nine-Banded Armadillo), I thought of all the cool facts of the armadillo that we were taught in school.

**Armadillos have four babies at a time, always all the same sex. They are perfect quadruplets, the fertilized cell split into quarters, resulting in four identical armadillos.

**Armadillos get an average of 18.5 hours of sleep per day.

**Armadillos can walk underwater.

**Armadillos are the only animal besides humans that can get leprosy.

**When an armadillo is frightened it jumps straight into the air.

**Armadillos can be housebroken.

**Armadillos have a very low need of oxygen. Even when burrowing they can stop breathing for 6 minutes by storing air in the trachea and wide bronchus.

**The name "Armadillo" comes from the Spanish explorers word meaning "Little Armored Thing"

So that was my morning.  Oh....and the run sucked because I ran slow and it was hot (80 degrees) and humid and no wind to cool the body down.  Ran 4.01 in 44:45.  That's absolutely horrible.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hey There....remember me?

Well....this is awkward.  You know...we have our little fun, say we'll talk and hang out, never really do and then run into each other at the store.....

I feel like there's a lot that's happened, but I can't really think of much.  I'm into 13.1 training now and should be around the 9 mile mark for my long runs, but just completed 7 this past weekend.  I was shooting for a PR of Sub-2 for the race on 10/12 (the Showdown Half)  but it's looking more like a good jump start to marathon training. 

I volunteered for a sprint tri over the weekend.  Saw some people I know, saw some familiar faces, and got to give back to the sport that's treated me well.

I also found out that I'm a finalist for a Brand Ambassador gig with EnduroPacks.  I was interviewed over the phone last week and got an e-mail over the weekend that they want to send me a one month trial and have me review it, etc....and if they like my 'social interaction' on the web, I could possibly be a 3-month Ambassador.  Go check them out.  It's a new company.....focused on the recovery aspect of training....which is my nemesis.

Also....JFord is about to embark on an amazing 140.6 journey.  He's doing Redman in OKC this weekend.  You can follow him on FB and via his blog (

We have a lot going on these next few weekends.....lots of family things.  This is where we, as amateur athletes, shine.  We have to get our training in and balance the family time too....which if it comes down to it, I pick the family.  But.....I can get my azz outta bed at 4:30a and get it done before anyone even knows I was gone.

I'll be posting more....I'll be looking for new followers.

Spread the word on my blog....and get me some followers people!!!!!